Sunday, May 24, 2009

An American Tradition

You ever watch something really bad happen... and you know its bad... but you laugh? Its because your "A.) going to hell", or "B.) You have been desensitized". For some reason I'm betting its more likely that its B.) Your probably like me. Its hard to find out whats funny about the following videos. But I did instantly when I saw them. Check these vids out and tell me if the reason I watched them is the same you watched them.

#1 - Punching old blind ladies has a funny ring too it. I don't want it to happen in real life, but if it did happen - though how horrible it may be... it still would make me laugh a little bit on the inside after the horror.

#2 - Knocking out someone smaller than you was not always a bad thing to you.

#3 - Ever wanted to punch the cop that was trying to give you a speeding ticket to make him forget about the whole thing?

#4 - Ever have a bad day so bad... you just go into Mc Donalds and just wanna knock out a dude for taking too long to order his food?

#5 - Ever watched a trainwreck in slow motion... but kept on watching even though you knew the outcome?

#6 - Ever wanted to know if your girl could fight?

Okay people. My social experiment is over. If you watched all 5 of the videos it means 3 things.
1.) You are now probably very afraid of African Americans.
2.) If someone told you that 50% of all workplace violence takes place in Mc Donalds you'd now probably believe it.
3.) You were mildly entertained and have already been slightly desensitized before you watched them.

Thank you. Until our next Social Experiment - dont think your such a wholesome person... ohh and yes... Desensitization IS an AMERICAN TRADITION!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mr. 4.19 and Susie

Lets get something straight before I tell you guys whats on my mind... I saw something very disturbing and at its very core, it may disturb you as well. I live in Southern California the economic pothole of the US and I ventured out into one of the worst places on earth. San Bernadino, California. I was there to watch my niece graduate High School. What was supposed to be a simple see the sights, photo the family be happy she's moving on turned into Horror fest 2009! Here's the setup:

After awaiting the festivities to begin which had none for over one and a half hour while me and my family baked in the F@#$ing sun at maximum temperature the best I saw was 7 fat honor guard kids eating snickerdoodles while practicing drills in front of us while they waited for things to begin - pathetic. Where were we you ask? Lets just call it "Re-Al Bundy-Toe High-School". We were swealtering outside in there new piece of crap stadium complete with teenage prostitues offering navy blue mugs with graduate names on em. Sorry, this is about to get really ugly - really fast.

So, the ceremony begins. Blah-blah-blah. Talk. Sing. Talk. Another over amped up giddy Highschool graduate gets a moment to boost her already high self esteem. More R-Kelly fitting babes saying how much they're gonna change the world. Blah-Blah-Blah. Now heres the disturbing thing. While I was getting the score of the Laker game while one guy was talking... mind you the dude was announced to have a 4.19 GPA!!! Good student! He was just another chitter chatter clang on the wall untill he gave thanks to other students for challenging him, faculty for challenging him and being tough on him and most of all..."To my girlfriend Susie... I love you sooooooo much!" The crowd... "Ahhhhaaaawwwwwwwwaaaawwwaaaa!"


Let me rewind that for you. Its High School Graduation. You've just fought four years to get out. You took exam after exam. Fought to become a man. Wrestled with or against drugs, sex, rock n roll, hip-hop, dodged early death, made it to or through Chruch for 208 sundays and the person you most of all have to thank is a piece named "Susie"???? "Susie!" Ohhh come on... "Susie"? Ladies and gentleman, your about to be taken to the dark side. But come on. Probably somewhere in statistics you'll find that Susie is gonna be at some Junior college getting banged by the football team jocks and riding in fast cars while lets just call him "Mr. 4.19" is all the way in Stanford Medschool looking at oversized breast while working on an advanced Biology test!

What makes this Hard 2 Swallow people is that Mr. 4.19, just handed his entire 4 years of highschool over to the easy bake oven girl named Susie! SUSIE!!! I can really see Mr. 4.19 in 5 years getting 50% of every dollar he makes taken away by "Susie" in a gracious court ruling granting him visitation of the kids. I can see Susie ruining his life by makeing him pay child support for 4 kids... 2 of which are actually his. It just seems that Mr. 4.19's big shot out to Susie, is more like the soundtrack to a helluva bad future breakup.

You may see a kid giving love to his highschool sweetheart... I see the possibility of a kid regretting the words of a sucka in love on the (so far) biggest stage of his life. Call me the ultimate hater people, start throwing the tomatoes, but honestly Mr. 4.19 is the model of how not to raise your kid! If your kid thinks that being the one to give the highschool address is an oscar acceptance speech... you have contributed to the end of the world. Look people, if you dont see anything wrong with a kid professing his undying love for his highschool sweetheart and that he'll be leaving for Standford University while she'll be at ITT Tech.... then thats your bag of nuts to chew. Me... i'd rather give credit to God for letting such a tortured soul live, thanks to my dad for not shooting me on the golden quilt on the mattess next to moms knee, and to the school psychologist for showing me how to get to the G-Spot without a heart attack. Now, as bad as that sounds, it still sounds better than donating 4 years of hard work in school to a chick named SUSIE... SUSIE!!!!!!??????

- Deadbolt Greene, Hard 2 Swallow

Chime in people!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ThaShining is an avid film watcher. ThaShining likes films!
ThaShining is a man who loves a good story, great characters, and great dialogue.
I also like long walks on the beach, a good conversation, and a nice meal but that's a different subject all together.
So being a fan of cinema, I thought it would be nice to share a list of "non-blockbuster" titles that just might be winners this year!

The first film we have is


Moon is a film by Duncan Jones (son of famous singer David Bowie) and stars Sam Rockwell (one of my favorite actors), and Kevin Spacey (in voice only) . Moon takes place, well..........on the moon. Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) is an Astronaut/Miner excavating a precious resource (Helium 3) that is believed to reverse Earth's energy crisis. For the past 3 years he has called home a moon base named Selene. Where he has been isolated from humanity. The only company he has is a robot assistant named Gerty (Voiced by Kevin Spacey). With only two weeks left for his contract and returning home, some strange occurrences begin to happen.

The film looks very interesting. This is Duncan Jones first feature film and from all the early buzz it has been getting from critics; I'm thinking this is gonna be a great success. Time will tell.

Next up we have


Pandorum is a film about two astronauts (Dennis Quaid & Ben Foster) who awaken from a hyper-sleep chamber aboard an abandoned ship. They can't remember who they are, where they came from, and why they are on the ship. The younger of the two (Foster) finds a way out of the chamber, while the elder (Quaid) stays behind for radio support. The more they delve deeper into the ship, the more they uncover.

I don't know why, but this film reminds me of Event Horizon for some reason.
When I found out who was the producer (Paul W.S. Anderson director of said film) then I realized why.
The director of this piece is Christian Alvart (Antibodies). Hopefully, if it's not a piece of s**t, they feel a franchise can be made out of this. I doubt it.

Død snø or Dead Snow

Norwegian film "Dead Snow" is about a group of Medical students who go to a cabin in the mountains for easter vacation. In the cabin, they locate a trunk of gold which belonged to the Nazi's. Upon finding this, they revive the corpses of said Nazi's, with deadly results.

Now I'm a big Zombie fan (when it's done right), but when I read this I started laughing my ass off!
From the looks of the trailer, it looks pretty good. It has been getting some buzz these past couple of weeks and looks to be another classic Zombie film. The film is directed by Tommy Wirkola. A man who directed a film called Kill Buljo (a parody movie of Kill Bill).

Next up


Gamer is a film about a new MMO called "Slayers". It is the number one game in the world. It's a violent, bloody game where the object is to stay alive. The only problem with this is, the characters Gamers are playing are REAL PEOPLE! Simon (Logan Lerman) controls Kable (Gerard Butler), the on-line champion of the game. Together they join forces to expose the maker of the game, Ken Castle (Michael C. Hall! IT'S DEXTER! IT'S DEXTER!).

When I seen the trailer for this I was blown away! The premise is reminiscent of Smash TV, The Running Man, and Manhunt. I personally cannot wait for this to come out! It looks bad-ass! On March, 31 2009, it was announced that the movie's title had been renamed to Citizen Game. A couple of weeks later it was renamed to "Gamer".
And here's the kicker........It's made by the Dynamic duo that made..........wait for it.............wait for it................THE CRANK SERIES!
Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor are the directors and writers. Geniuses!

And finally we have
District 9

District 9 is the story of Aliens coming to earth. More specifically, South Africa.
Upon arrival they are assigned to a specific area and forced to work. They governed by a section of the government called the MNU (Multi-National United) who seek to utilize the alien technologies.

Viral marketing for this movie has been intense. There have been obscure posters and websites popping up asking "Non-Humans" to register. The team behind this is the same team who just might produce the Halo film series.
In other words this is a Peter Jackson produced film. Neill Blomkamp will direct this film. Blomkamp is best known for the 3 short Halo films that came out 2 years ago in succession with Halo 3. If Blomkamp and Jackson can make this film a hit, we will see Halo on the horizon.

For the trailer copy link

All Work and No Play Make Macc a Dull Boy!